Frequently Asked Questions
What will AIESEC Panama provide me with?
AIESEC in Panama helps each intern: obtain VISA, open a bank account, look for accommodation, pick you up at the airport (get in touch with the person receiving you BEFORE you buy the ticket), we will provide you information to leave the country after internship realization, accompany in the first day of work and handle any problem that may occur with the company.
How expensive is life in Panama?
We calculate a monthly expense of approximately $700-$800. Depending on location and services provided the ranges of prices for accommodation vary a lot. A modest place to live in can cost from $400-$500, a fast-food meal between $5-$10 and a restaurant can vary from $15-$30.
What is AIESEC’s accommodation option?
AIESEC works with Arlo Group, an outsource company that helps AIESEC find apartments for our interns. You are not required to use Arlo Group and can look for accommodation by yourself. You can check more about Arlo Group here: http://aiesecinpanama.wix.com/delivery#!accommodation/y0zmt
How can I move around?
To read all about transportation in Panama click here: http://aiesecinpanama.wix.com/delivery#!transport/alpbo
The ultimate Panama bus guide: http://pty.life/metrobus-panama/
How long will it take to obtain my VISA? How is the process?
AIESEC Panama will guide you and help you through the entire process. We are partners of Morgan & Morgan, which helps us facilitate the visa process for our interns. You can check out the timeline and steps for the process here: http://aiesecinpanama.wix.com/delivery#!process/xl7wf
Will I get a permanent job position once my AIESEC internship is over?
This is up to the company and yourself. AIESEC Panama is responsible for you for the duration of your contract, any action you choose to take after the internship is not AIESEC’s responsibility.
Does AIESEC take me to Immigration Service Office or Consulates?
No. AIESEC provides all the information for the intern to start the Visa process, but we don’t take any intern to Immigration Service Office or Consulate.
If AIESEC is a nonprofit organization why do we charge for our services?
Since AIESEC is an international organization, just keeping the structure and standards to keep the organization running we have to make considerable expenses. Local Committee members are not paid for their work or for exchanges they do, they are volunteers that want to develop their leadership skills by living the experience AIESEC can bring to their lives.
Who must I speak to regarding some issues?
· Delivery Manager- you can talk to this person about anything regarding logistics in arrival and accommodation.
· Account Manager- this person manages the company-AIESEC relationship, they can deal with anything related to the company, payments or any problem you may have regarding these issues.
· FLA Manager- this person will help you with your visa procedure.
Important information
During you internship, you are not a company employee, you are an AIESEC intern in that company. This is why if you have any problem regarding the company, any complaints or other work related issues should be dealt with the AIESEC Account Manager.