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Lower Your Cost of Living in Panama


Choose one of Panama’s trendiest areas…or retire to your dream home in the lush green countryside. No matter where in the country you go, you’re likely to find that your cost of living goes down (not to mention your blood pressure) without much effort.


This is in large part due to Panama’s quality, affordable healthcare. Back home, you may spend hundreds of dollars a month on everything from car and health insurance…to doctor and dental consults…to medication. But most expats in Panama find these things are significantly cheaper. Real life examples include visits to small clinics for $11…$6…and even as little as $2. Auto insurance as low as $40 a month. And dental visits for under $30!


Though apartments in Panama City rent for $800 to $1500 a month, there are locations where savy expats have discovered they can rent for $300 to $500 a month. Countrywide, water bills are typically under $20 a month. You can buy hundreds of minutes for your cell phone for $5. And Panama brand beers cost around $0.50 each…at upscale supermarkets that sell every brand you remember from back home, plus all the inexpensive regional ones.


No matter what your taste or budget, you’ll find that Panama offers quality, comfort, and convenience.



Compare the cost of living between your country and Panama clicking here:






It's not allow to drink in the streets of Panama.


To know more about Panamanian laws, please click here:

Emergency Numbers

What do you need to open a bank account



1. Reference bank letter from your country

2. Intern contract with the company

3. Acceptance note

4. AIESEC letter

5. Migratory Process receipt 

6. 100 USD

Suggestion of bank:


You must to go to the central office of Banco General to open your bank account:

Marbella, Aquilino de la Guardia Street

+507 303-7000

Monday to Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
Saturdays - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Movil companies


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